Sixth Presbyterian Church is offering a CPR/AED training class on Saturday, October 3rd from 9:30 AM to Noon. You will learn how to perform CPR on an adult or a child and how to operate an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) like the one we have installed in the church just outside the Chapel.
The cost is $20 and will be collected at the beginning of the session. After completing the training, participants will receive a two-year certification from the American Heart Association.
Those of you who participated in the training provided in 2013 at Sixth Church should consider doing so again as your certification will expire in October, 2015. This training is open to everyone, members and non-members. Please pass the word to your friends and family! To sign up, please contact Larry Van Dyke at 412-236-9420 or [email protected] by Sunday, September 27th.
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