Oasis Ministries leads their third pilgrimage to the isle of Iona, Scotland, from October 2 to 14, 2016, where travelers will find space to breathe, room to be disoriented and opportunities to return to themselves, to life and to home, changed. The trip is led by two spiritual directors, Rev. Dr. Kathleen Roney, president of the New World Foundation (Iona-nwf.org), and Rev. Cindy Garis, executive director of Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development (OasisMin.org).
The focus of the journey will be six nights on Iona, along with time in Glasgow to explore and to connect with the Iona Community and their passion and work for peace and justice. For centuries, Iona has drawn travelers in search of the sacred. George MacLeod, founder of the Iona Community, described the island as “a thin place, only a tissue paper separating the material from the spiritual.”
• Time with the Iona Community in Glasgow
• 6-Nights on the Isle of Iona—including time for personal retreat, group gathering and reflections, the community pilgrimage walk around the island, as well as daily worship in the Iona Abbey
• Explorations on the road—castles, lochs and standing stones
Click here for more information, or contact Rev. Cindy Garis 717-737-8222 or [email protected].
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