Join us for
Sacred Conversations
When members of Sixth conducted a listening campaign among congregation members in early 2015, we learned that many of us have deep concerns about structural racism and inequality… but often feel baffled about what we can do. Now we have a chance to be part of a community-wide conversation about race and explore ways to take action to
dismantle systemic racism.
Over the next several months, PIIN is sponsoring Sacred Conversations on Race and Action – a series of congregation-based discussions designed to provide a safe space to discuss how racism affects us, our congregations, and our community. Guided by trained facilitators, we will reflect on our experiences, challenge one another to expand our levels of personal awareness, and ultimately take action. Recent events across our country highlight the persistence of racial distrust and bigotry, making these conversations all the more timely and important.
Sacred Conversations kicked off with a gathering of all participating congregations on Saturday, October 1. After that, participating members of Sixth will have our own conversations, one in October and one in November, and then we’ll have the opportunity to pair with another congregation in our community. In January, all the congregations will come back together for a final, culminating conversation.
Please consider being part of these conversations as a step toward increasing understanding and dismantling structural racism. Our goal is for 25 people from Sixth to participate by taking part in all sessions. Below is information about the conversations that have already been scheduled.
If you have any questions, you can talk with any member of the PIIN Core Team (Millie Barnes, Marnie Bertolet, Mary Crossley, Peter Gilmore, Pam Howe, Peter Kaplan, and Heather Vallone) . Please join us!
Sunday, 10/16: 6-8 pm (food available at 5:30) (Sixth)
Sunday, 11/13: 1:00-3:00 (food available at 12:30) (Sixth)
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