As a follow-up to the stimulating program on the criminal justice system in January, the Social Justice/PIIN Core Team is presenting speakers with a social justice theme during Lent. Each will take place as the Adult Christian Education offering during the Sunday School hour, at 10 am.
On March 5, UPMC employee Nila Peyton will be our speaker. She is a leader in the Fight for $15 movement. She excited interest and admiration when she gave a Minute for Mission during worship on Sunday, November 29 of last year—a sure indication that she would be the appropriate speaker to address the injustice of low pay.
On March 19, we will hear from Molly Nichols, the executive director of Pittsburghers for Public Transit. A vibrant and dynamic advocate for public transit for all, Nichols will talk about the work of her organization in successfully reversing cuts in service to neighborhoods and will point out the vital connections between transit, employment, and affordable housing.
The speaker on March 26 will be Gale Schwartz. She is a Project Specialist with the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania. With 12 years of nonprofit experience, she has been with the Housing Alliance since 2013 serving as the Coordinator of the Southwestern PA Housing Alliance and its subgroups the Rental Housing Work Group and Building Inclusive Communities.
On April 2, John Creasy will give a front-line report from the struggle of the Sioux nation to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. Last November, Rev. Creasy visited and participated at the Oceti Sakowin resistance camp in South Dakota. Rev. Creasy is the Associate Pastor for the Open Door, director of Garfield Community Farm, and a member of the Pittsburgh Presbytery Peacemaking Ministry Team.
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