Christian Education
Sunday school begins at 10 am, and is held September through May, followed by worship at 11 am. Parents are asked to please review our updated Health and Safety Guidelines. If you are new to us, please fill out our Children and Youth Registration. If you have already completed this in previous years you don’t have to do it again. But please let us know if your contact information has changed.
For questions and information on anything Christian Education related please contact Jenny Newman at [email protected] or 412-720-6392.
Nursery Care and Extended Session
Nursery care for infants and toddlers will be provided during the worship service. Extended Session will be held during worship each week for children ages preschool through 3rd grade. Kids will be dismissed from worship during Passing of the Peace following the Time for Children. Jenny Newman and Extended Session staff will provide worship and prayer time, snacks, and story time.
Sunday School
Preschool through 5th grade class
Teachers: Katie Smith, Linda May
This year we will be using the PC(USA) curriculum called Growing with Grace and Gratitude. The class may be divided into smaller groups by age depending on attendance.
6th-12th grade
Teachers, Jenny Newman, Joe Ashenden
We will use a combination of our Feasting on the Word lectionary-based curriculum and the PC(USA) Big God, Big Ideas.
Acolytes and Water Pourer
Pouring the baptismal water and lighting the Christ Candle are vital parts of our worship service. There is a sign-up sheet for Sundays in the narthex of the church for children and youth are interested in being a part of the service in this way. Contact Jenny Newman for more information and to be trained!
Youth Fellowship
September through May youth are invited to join our friends at East Liberty Presbyterian Church for our weekly youth fellowship time. Youth 6th through 12th grade meet on Thursdays at ELPC from 4:30 to 7 pm. Dinner is provided each week at 5 pm. ELCP is located at 116 S. Highland Ave. Students will enter the church at the Highland avenue entrance and meet in the second floor parlor.
Youth also volunteer at Hot Metal Bridge’s The Table monthly and meet for other youth gatherings throughout the year. Please see the church calendar for dates and times!

Youth who will be service at Hot Metal and attending youth group at ELCP are required to complete our church’s Universal Permission form, so we have updated contact and health information. (You only have to fill it out once!)
Safety Guidelines
· Parents/students will be reminded to follow all guidelines in our existing General Health and Safety guidelines/policy. Parents/students will be reminded to follow all guidelines in our existing General Health and Safety guidelines/policy. Health and Safety Policy
· Completion of our registration form for children and youth will be required for all those attending Extended Session, Sunday school, and all other in-person programs. Visitors and those not in our registration system will be asked to provide contact information. Children and Youth Registration
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